Category Archives: DUAL

DUAL Finance Module 3: Financial Statements & Budgeting

Return to Modules Objectives: Calculate your level of net worth or wealth using a balance sheet Analyze where your money comes from and where it goes using an income statement Use ratios to identify your financial strengths and weaknesses Set … Continue reading

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DUAL Economics Module 3: Supply, Demand & the Price System

Return to Modules Objectives: Demonstrate how prices can guide individual behavior and continually change incentives of buyers and sellers in markets Illustrate Adam Smith’s idea of “the invisible hand” and F.A. Hayek’s idea of “spontaneous order.” Discuss exchange, voluntary cooperation, and … Continue reading

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DUAL Finance Module 2: The Impact of Taxes on Income/Tax Planning

Return to Modules Objectives: Identify and understand the major federal income tax features that affect all taxpayers Describe other taxes that must pay Understand what is taxable income and how taxes are determined Choose the tax form that’s right for … Continue reading

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DUAL Economics Module 2: Markets, Consumers & Producers

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(go back to Modules list) Objectives: Define markets, scarcity, and economic systems Describe the “Law of Demand” and the “Law of Supply” Introduce the concept of market equilibrium  Reading For This Module: From “Introducing Economics through a Collection of Free … Continue reading

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DUAL Finance Module 1: Financial Planning

Return to Modules Objectives: Explain why personal financial planning is so important Describe the five basic steps of personal financial planning Set your financial goals Explain how career management and education can determine your income level List ten principles of … Continue reading

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DUAL Economics Module 1: Value and Marginal Analysis

Return to Modules Objectives: Utilize the Water/Diamond Paradox to understand what determines value Introduce “thinking on the margin” and its role in economics Define the “labor theory of value” and critically examine its pitfalls Apply cost-benefit or marginal analysis to … Continue reading

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